What the Heck is Marketing
Jul 22, 2021
Defining Marketing Your Voice Over Business
One thing I've learned in years of coaching voice actors in marketing is many voice actors carry a lot of different negative narratives on the subject. In fact, nearly every thought they have on marketing is rooted in some kind of negative narrative.
If all we think about marketing is negative, is it any wonder we don't want to do it?!
We also know that if we want to build a business we have to do the marketing.
In this weeks episode, I want to shift your narrative about marketing to something more positive. If we can get you thinking about the subject differently, it'll make you more willing to do #DoTheThing! ;)
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* Thanks to "Uncle Roy" for production assistance!
Visit https://antlandproductions.com
* Thanks to Christy Harst for VO contributions!
Visit https://christyharst.com
* Thanks to Krysta Wallrauch for VO contributions!
Visit https://krystawallrauch.com